Thank you for your time and heart to share the love of Jesus
Changing Lifes"The greatest thing about being a table leader is seeing the changes in the ladies from when they walk in the first time to when it all over. From the agape love to the talks and hearing how God truly can save them."
Leslie - Table Leader Jennings County REC #6 |
Being Present Matters"Being on team for an REC weekend has changed my life. I have never felt closer to Jesus or that my time has really made a difference in someone else's life than I have on a REC weekend. To see the residents and team members lives change before your eyes is simply amazing. Lives are truly changed on a REC Weekend. Then to see those same people get out and then come back to serve on team is powerful. "
Ryan - Lay Director Morgan County REC #2 |
You make a difference"As a Spiritual Director of an REC you really get to see the Holy Spirit work in the residents life. I've seen people come in confused not knowing what to expect, from being angry and not really wanting to be there arms folded to tears streaming down their faces and hands lifted as they sing. I've seen men and women become leaders at the tables, opening up and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring true transformation in their lives. To God be the glory for the things He has done through REC. "
Kevin - Spiritual Director Harrison County REC #10 |